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Labour & Employment Laws


Employees are the biggest assets of any the organisation as the employee put their sweat to run the organisation. Our firm always believe that the organisation should form such HR Policies, DATA Policies, IP Policies, work culture etc to minimise the employer-employee dispute and resolve those amicable. By being Labour Law Complaint, adopting legally sound HR, DATA & IPR policies, efficient dispute resolution policies, POSH compliance, appropriate dispute resolution mechanism etc could help the organisation work smooth and efficient and therefore productive. 

Gender Equality, Sexual Harassment are the major embarrassment, which an organisation must avoid as it tarnish the brand image, spoil organisational culture and distract potential investment and thereby hurdle in growth.  The Sexual Harassment of Women (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 hereinafter referred as POSH, makes it mandatory to the organisations to Frame POSH Policies, Constitute an Internal Committee(IC) and adopt the POSH enabled behaviour to address the sexual harassment at the workplace.

Our Services

We as a team of experienced and competent legal professionals provide the following services to our potential clients;

  • Advise, Review and Draft, the HR Policies, HR Manuals, Work Policies, Trade Unions, ESOPs, Intellectual Property (Ownership & Infringement) Policies, DATA Policies (Breach, Destruction or Theft), Pre-Litigation Mediation and Dispute Resolution Mechanism for various organisations, MNCs & PSUs.
  • Advise various Organisations, PSUs and MNCs on Labour Law compliance, Gender Neutrality, Sexual Harassment Policies, POSH, Internal Committee(IC), POSH Trainings & Compliance, other Statutory Labour Compliances and on other employee-employer issues
  • Advise and Draft Employment Agreements, Non-Compete Agreements, Non-Disclosure Agreement, Trade Secrecy Agreements, Confidentiality Agreements, Arbitration Clause/Agreement etc.
  • Advise and represent, both employers and employees on various Labour Law Issues like Gratuity (Eligibility, Liabilities and Payments), Group Gratuity Matter, Employee’s Misconduct, Illegal Termination, Termination without Notice, Unauthorised absence, Trade Union Disputes, Lock-Out, Lay-off, Retrenchment, Closure, Transfer, Promotion, Retirement Benefits etc.
  • Advise Employees, Trade Unions, Employee’s Associates on Collective Bargaining, Employees Rights, Health Welfare and Safety, Statutory Rights, Strikes, Unfair Labour Practices, Illegal Terminations, Minimum Wages etc.
  • Advising and representing, both employers and employees, Trade Unions, NGOs etc before Labour Commissioner, Labour Court/Industrial Dispute Tribunal, High Court and before Supreme Court of India in labour law related disputes. 
  • Representing employers and employees in Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation proceedings on the various disputes related to various Labour Laws. 
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